

$ athenacli --help
Usage: athenacli [OPTIONS] [DATABASE]

  A Athena terminal client with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.

    - athenacli
    - athenacli my_database

  -e, --execute TEXT            Execute a command (or a file) and quit.
  -r, --region TEXT             AWS region.
  --aws-access-key-id TEXT      AWS access key id.
  --aws-secret-access-key TEXT  AWS secretaccess key.
  --s3-staging-dir TEXT         Amazon S3 staging directory where query
                                results are stored.
  --work_group TEXT             Amazon Athena workgroup in which query is run,
                                default is primary
  --athenaclirc FILE            Location of athenaclirc file.
  --profile TEXT                AWS profile
  --table-format TEXT           Table format used with -e option.
  --help                        Show this message and exit.

Connect to a database

Connect a specific database with AWS credentials, region name and S3 staging directory or work group. AWS credentials, region name and S3 staging directory are optional. You can set those variables in athenaclirc config file, and then run below command.

$ athenacli ddbtablestats

Exit athenacli

Press ctrl+d or type quit or exit.

Special Commands

Save ‘SELECT user_id, tweet_id from twitterfeed LIMIT 2’ as a favorite query called ‘q1’:

> \fs q1 SELECT user_id, tweet_id from twitterfeed LIMIT 2

Run the named query:

> \f q1

Execute a command (or a file)

Execute a command and quit:

$ athenacli -e 'show databases'

Execute a file and quit:

$ athenacli -e examples/create_table.sql